neilv a month ago

And, walking in dense city, some of the "micro" spike traction aids are amazing for walking over the slipperiest surprise slick ice spots, like they're nothing.

Occasionally, I feel like I have to warn people coming the other way on the sidewalk, since I'll stomp right over, say, some ice that has has filled a porous sidewalk, and left a slightly wet layer atop that smooth surface -- basically, you'd have a lot of trouble simply standing on it without falling down, much less moving on it -- but the person coming the other way probably doesn't realize I've got gear making all the difference.

  • sandworm101 a month ago

    They are great on the ice, but really do a number on any other surface. You have to be really good about taking them off anytime you aren't on ice.

    • neilv a month ago

      Yeah, the ones I've had are fine on concrete and brick sidewalks, but bad for floors.

      If you're walking to stores or something, you'll want ones that are easy to remove and put back on over the shoes. When indoors away from home, I carry them in a clear plastic bag in one of the water bottle pockets in my backpack. (That they look messy with water and de-icer and such means that they don't look your something you're shoplifting.)

  • matsemann a month ago

    My problem is kinda related. Bike with studded tires during winter, have no issues. But more than once I've fell when dismounting the bike, as I've forgotten that it's actually slippery. (and my biking shoes are slippery even on a good day)

    But this headline is good. Can perhaps use this to avoid people not using spikes due to a sense of pride. "I've walked all my life here in Norway without!".

    • Etheryte a month ago

      Good studded bike tires are like black magic, honestly. When it gets wet and then cold, you could go ice skating on our home street, no problem. Walking is a perilous activity and most avoid it if they can in that time. But somehow studded bike tires don't care the slightest, I can easily ride where I would struggle to walk.

  • andrewflnr a month ago

    I just got some, and it's been a big shift. I can be almost entirely fearless power-walking on well-traveled, un-shoveled paths. The only places that have given me trouble are where I encounter (a) glassy-smooth ice that's (b) in the process of melting. I still slip a little bit there. And clean pavement, I guess, that's pretty uncomfy at least with my cheapo set of cleats (though not because of slipping).

  • arjvik a month ago

    I love my microspikes for icy trails, but I hear that for urban environments, the same brand's "nanospikes" are much more comfortable

  • cooljacob204 a month ago

    Can you share an example of what you're referring to?

    • germinalphrase a month ago

      There are many brands but, in the US - YakTraks and MICROspikes are common choices.

      • neilv a month ago

        This winter, I newly have Yaktrax, after a brand I really liked seemed to go downhill (or counterfeits).

    • mckn1ght a month ago

      Icebug makes nice integrated-stud shoes and boots. I have a pair of Salomon winter cross spikes that are fantastic.

    • dagurp a month ago

      Microspikes and Nanospikes are products from Kathoola. I own both and have used them for running in Iceland so I can definitely recommend them.

wylielunaloki a month ago

I really enjoyed this article and how reminded me of the first time I hiked in snow without crampons. I had to use fallen spruce branches to steady myself with each step on the way down. It was like walking on little brooms. It did the job well enough for a southern California native.

  • throwway120385 a month ago

    Yeah -- I learned to walk on dirty snow where I could when I didn't have snowshoes. The albedo makes the snowpack melt a little more than its surroundings and it makes a nice crust over what could otherwise be quite deep. Stepping onto clean snow and postholeing is quite an experience.

    Clean snow is quite nice if you have a long downhill chute though because then you can just plunge step quickly down and let the snow cushion your quite large steps.

kazinator a month ago

When you go onto running track that is covered in ice in January, you get to really appreciate those middle distance spikes.

vincnetas a month ago

Vikings are OG users, WE are also using crampons like vikings :)