blakesterz 6 hours ago

For some reason I was inserting a dollar sign in the title when reading. They don't make a $30,000 olive oil bar, they make 30,000 olive oil bars at once like this. I assume they cost less than $30k!

anonu 7 hours ago

Having grown up with these, I love them. Except the large cube shape makes the ergonomics a bit difficult to handle in the shower. They really need a product designer to make a shape thats easier to use.

  • Reubachi 4 hours ago

    Both the "factory owners" in this video say exactly that; the industry has failed and they expect to soon as well due to younger generations being willing to "pay more for less, if it's perceived as more convienent."

    Which is to say, one of them is now making liquid soap out of a pump container, using far less labor or natural ingredients, and making much more money.

    A shame that something being shaped like a cube has taken down an centuries old traditional, practical, effective practice.