sleepyguy 13 hours ago

50% of Americans will find out if this is what they thought will "Make America Great Again".

Destroying our relationship with our neighbors and embracing Russia, Iran, and North Korea by assisting them in destroying Ukraine and the Western alliance.

  • pm90 12 hours ago

    At every step of this increasingly demented reality Ive thought, this is it, this has gone too far, surely nobody will accept this and most Americans shrugged. I hold no hope that anything can motivate the general public to pay attention.

    • dinobones 11 hours ago

      The reason is: It doesn't affect their pocket books.

      Meanwhile property prices and 401ks are up, old people (the largest cohort of voters) really just don't care.

      I wish people had more empathy for others, but they don't. They mostly only care about taxes and their personal wealth.

      This level of personal greed-individualism is partly what makes America great in the good times, but awful when things get bad.

      • charlescearl 4 hours ago

        At least 30% of seniors in the US are living precariously and that is likely to increase as SSA benefits are gutted. The statistics are even worse when disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender.

        As militant actions in Greece, France, and places across the globe attest, voting is not nor should be the only sphere of political engagement.

      • Jtsummers 11 hours ago

        Stocks are down over the last month. Depending on the risk profile of investors, many will find their 401k plans down soon as well.

      • rsynnott 8 hours ago

        > The reason is: It doesn't affect their pocket books.

        I mean, a trade war absolutely will.

        > Meanwhile property prices and 401ks are up

        The S&P500 is down YTD.

        That said, this will probably all take a while to sink in.

    • bloopernova 11 hours ago

      They'll be living in the Parable of the Sower type dystopia before they realise they should have done something years ago.

      • charlescearl 4 hours ago

        People always cite Parable of the Sower as proof of an inevitable dystopian collapse. They fail to then point out that Octavia Butler’s protagonists constructed Earthseed, a commune that stood in opposition to MAGA.

        • bloopernova an hour ago

          Ideally we'd get the Earthseed commune without the huge suffering that came before it!

          I don't think the collapse is inevitable. I lean towards doomerism but I know I can't predict what's going to happen next week, let alone next decade.

    • p2detar 9 hours ago

      The timescale of political events got somehow compressed: every day is a week, every week a month, every month a year.

  • hedora 12 hours ago

    Less than 40%. (Plenty of people didn’t vote… They should have, but that doesn’t imply they wanted this.)

    • andrewinardeer 12 hours ago

      If you don't participate in the democratic process you don't have a right to complain when it affects you.

      • skinnymuch 11 hours ago

        A democratic process being a one time thing every couple of years isn’t really democratic.

        • _aavaa_ 5 hours ago

          It isn’t a one time thing. Voting is the bare minimum and likely takes the least effort of all other types of civic engagement, perhaps only behind signing an online petition.

    • e40 12 hours ago

      36% of eligible voters didn’t vote, so roughly half of 64% or 32% voted for this shitshow.

  • DamnYuppie 11 hours ago


    • rsynnott 8 hours ago

      Bloody hell, I didn't think anyone _actually_ believed that line.

    • JumpCrisscross 10 hours ago

      > we will get what we want

      Can you point to a single trade war in which the obvious winners were random third parties? (And smugglers.)

    • ygjb 10 hours ago

      > And we will get what we want.

      No, you won't. From your previous posts, you think that this will go the way things went previously, but unfortunately Trump has also repeatedly threatened Canada, Greenland, and Panama. The US has reneged on, or threatened to renege on trade agreements, treaties, and accords.

      American oligarchs are openly practicing election interference, and promoting far right ideology abroad, including supporting Russia who has been a long term adversary.

      The United States has not just ceased to be a steadfast ally, they have become a threat to the the rest of the world by electing a would be dictator propped up by folks who want the US to become a fascist theocracy. We will find a path forward without you, and the American people will suffer for it.

      • beardyw 6 hours ago

        > theocracy

        If you mean a Christian one, I can't see it. Trump's discomfort at having even Sunday School levels of belief explained to him makes me doubt he could sustain that.

      • DamnYuppie 2 hours ago

        Nice. You came with zero facts lots of emotions, fearmongering, and baseless accusations. You maybe reaching your peak TDS potential keep it up :thumbsup

        Last I checked, history’s full of enemies turning buddies the US and Britain bled each other dry for years, then teamed up. Same for Germany and Japan, we have even fought with Mexico and Canada before..gasp the horror. Europe’s spent centuries stabbing each other in the back, but now they’re all holding hands singing Kumbaya. Did you even consider history or think before you typed that drivel?

        America’s gonna be fine, sweatheart. Europe too, once you get over the breakup. You’re just mad your free ride’s over and your side piece status revoked. Now it’s all tears, shame, and gaslighting. Classic ex behavior. Chin up, you’ll survive, and remember you are STRONG AND INDEPENDENT roflol.....

-1 13 hours ago

U.S. tariff strategy:

1. Impose tariffs on countries that collectively purchase ~40% of U.S. goods exports

2. ???

3. Profit

  • refurb 12 hours ago

    It will be like Trump’s first term.

    1. Tariffs

    2. Negotiation

    3. Better trade agreements

    People are acting like this didn’t happened in his first term.

    • pm90 12 hours ago

      There are no concrete asks from the US. The president appears to vehemently believe that tariffs will “generate revenue”. There is also the unhinged proposition to absorb Canada as the 51st state.

      • hedora 12 hours ago

        Also, siding with Russia in their apparent plan to invade Europe, and trying to annex Greenland.

        Why should they continue to trade with us?

      • DamnYuppie 11 hours ago

        You are being intentionally ignorant or in an information bubble. He has been clear and consistent that the tariffs are to level the playing field against nations who are devaluing their currency to make their products cheaper thereby lowering demand for US products. This take is aimed at China, so they got an additional 10% tariff on some of their goods. The tariffs on Mexico/Canada are to get them to step up and stop the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants into our country.

        He has said this nearly every time he has talked about the tariffs. Will it generate some revenue sure but probably not much. The U.S. will take short-term pain, but if we hold firm, we get better trade agreements. China’s entire strategy is betting that Americans are too weak to endure price hikes on PS5s and iPhones and takes like yours prove them right.

        America is in a better negotiating position than we were in 2018 and China is much worse off. They have $57T in debt, look at that number, it is 3x their GDP. They aren't devaluing their currency to destroy America it is a pure survival tactic at this point in time. They are stubborn and will hold out much longer than Mexico/Canada, but at some point they will have to make concessions.

        This is all about does American and its people have the resolve to play hardball.

        • pm90 6 hours ago

          Almost everything you have said is wrong. Its quite remarkable to hear accusations of being ill informed or living in an information bubble from someone who is clearly suffering from both.

        • aredox 3 hours ago

          >The tariffs on Mexico/Canada are to get them to step up and stop the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants into our country.

          They did take action. Trump slapped them anyway, without Trump asking anything more.

          >He has said this nearly every time he has talked about the tariffs. Will it generate some revenue sure but probably not much.

          Trump has literaly said that it would bring in so much revenue that he will dismantle the IRS and replace it with the ERS.

          >This is all about does American and its people have the resolve to play hardball.

          Why would anyone trust Trump to abide by any agreement? He's a liar and a backstabber.

          The rest of the world can act as if the US was razed to the ground.

    • -1 12 hours ago

      I hope you’re right. But even if that were the case, and trade agreements were better on paper, the net effect on the U.S. after all is said and done (damaged relationships, seeking out new markets etc.) is probably negative

    • Zanfa 12 hours ago

      During his first term there were at least a few adults left in the room. This time around, all bets are off.

      • yongjik 11 hours ago

        Back in 2016, "I will miss Pence as one of the few adults in the room" was definitely not in my bingo card. What a timeline we're in.

        • Zanfa 9 hours ago

          Never thought that McCain or Romney would seem as amazing alternatives compared to where we ended up either. Russian propaganda brainrot really did a number on the American populace over the last decade.

    • p2detar 9 hours ago

      You did not factor in the public opinion here. Already in Europe a mass wave of boycotting American products is shaping up. The same in Canada. It's different this time.

    • csto12 12 hours ago

      Is 3 even true?

      • 3vidence 11 hours ago

        Trump said Canada is stealing from him by honouring a trade agreement that he negotiated.

        America is a clown state.

naveen99 5 hours ago

Except there is a truck sized hole of de minimus exceptions, so effective tariff rate is practically 0. but I guess it’s a good excuse for a market correction.

inverted_flag 13 hours ago

All those people who voted for Trump because they hated high prices and inflation are about to get a very harsh wake-up call.

  • naveen99 5 hours ago

    Tarrifs if they were real would be anti inflationary, as they would discourage consumption.